Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 5 - Evaluating My GAME Plan Progress

I realized this week I needed to incorporate my already created delicious account.  As I was looking for blogs to keep up with, I also found some good websites.  I've learned, over the years, that I can't count on my favorites to be in "my favorite" tabs at school after summer break.  Also, I'm looking for information to keep up with while I am at school and at home and I needed one, central location to keep things organized.

This week at school has been CRAZY!!!  Two words will describe the situation - Christmas program!  We have been practicing, practicing, practicing and not too much free time.  But I did find the time to save the following blogs.  These are the one I will try to follow:

Websites: (thrown in just for extra)

Since this week has been crazy, and really will continue to be, I will probably not get a chance to look into the epals program until the Christmas break, unless someone who has used it can give me some insight.

The conferences/conventions I want to attend and present at will not be accepting applications until this summer, so this goal will also have to wait until the summer to fill out any forms.

I feel really good about the blogs I am going to follow and I feel especially good about re-instituting my delicious account.  The next thing I actually need to do is clean out my RSS feeder!


  1. Denise,

    I hope everything goes well with your Christmas program, I know they can be stressful.

    You are making excellent progress on your goal to follow blogs.

    I like my delicious account and use it at school to find web sites I want to use with my students instead of saving it to my desktop.

    What do you mean about cleaning out your rss feeder?


  2. Debbie,
    I've got a bunch of blogs from previous classes that I don't need to follow anymore, but just need the time to weed through them and organize the RSS reader. You can subscribe to blogs and get the updates through the reader.

  3. Denise,

    You have a great list of blogs to follow. Thanks for sharing them.

    I also like using my delicious account. I have used the favorites tab in the past at school, but have lost all of them when they cleaned them out during the summer. I like having all of my favorite websites in one spot and know that they will not go anywhere!

