Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 7 - Using the GAME Plan Process with My Students

     I have really enjoyed learning about the GAME Plan and the ISTE-NETS for teachers and students.  This was something completely new to me.  I've been wanting something to base my computer lab activities on, and this is what I've been looking for.  The standards for the teachers and the students are intertwined.  By setting goals for yourself as a teacher, you are helping the students reach their goals and vice versa.

NETS - S                                                                 
1.  Creativity & Innovation                                
2.  Communication & Collaboration                  
3.  Research & Information Fluency                  
4.  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
5.  Digital Citizenship                                        

1.  Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2.  Design & Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3.  Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
4.  Promote & Model Digital Citizenship & Responsibility
5.  Engage in Professional Growth & Leadership

     Fortunately, the GAME Plan goes hand in hand with the ISTE Standards.  One of the components of the GAME Plan is the ISTE NETS-S section.  Using the GAME Plan lesson plan, makes it so easy to incorporate the technology standards.


o Creativity and innovation
o Communication and collaboration
o Research and information fluency

o Critical thinking, problem-solving, & decision-making
o Digital citizenship
o Technology operations and concepts
     I used to teach a study skills course for the 6th grade.  One of the areas we talked about was setting goals - how to set goal and how to achieve them.  We talked about just like an archer has to have something to aim for, students need something to aim for while they are learning.  Sharing the GAME Plan with our students will help them to see it's important to have a goal, have a plan, monitor how its going and evaluate how you did.  This will not only help them be better students, it will help them become productive citizens in their families, communities, and the world!

1 comment:

  1. Denise,

    I could not agree with you more. It is so important for students to understand why they are learning or doing something. Having a plan or setting goals will help them to see the importance of what they are doing. Learning these skills now is very important because they will use these skills for the rest of their lives.

